Marketing for Roofing Companies

Hunterline Roofing

The Business

Hunterline Roofing is a well-established roofing company based in Newcastle, NSW. Known for their quality work and strong reputation in the area, they stay busy year-round. Their website consistently ranks highly for relevant roofing services in the local market, driving significant traffic from organic and direct searches.

Why They Came to Us

Hunterline Roofing had been a long-term client of Tradie Web Guys, using our marketing and SEO services for years to maintain their top rankings. While they hadn’t specifically requested a website rebuild, we identified that their site was due for an update to keep pace with modern web standards and ensure it continued to perform at the highest level.
Client Details

Hunterline Roofing

Services Provided

Website Rebuild, SEO, Marketing



The Challenge

The key challenge was executing a full website rebuild while ensuring Hunterline Roofing’s existing SEO rankings were maintained. When redesigning websites, it’s essential to ensure that no critical data affecting local SEO is lost in the transition. This requires a highly skilled approach to mitigate any risks.

The Solution

To solve this challenge, Tradie Web Guys undertook a strategic website rebuild to modernise Hunterline Roofing’s online presence. The new website focused on speed, user experience, and showcasing their expertise to potential clients.

Key elements of the solution included:

Faster Load Times

Improved page load speed by 76.95%, enhancing user experience.

Optimised Visuals

Redesigned project galleries to showcase Hunterline’s roofing projects, helping prospective clients better understand their capabilities.

Modern Look & Feel

Deployed new design features to update the website’s appearance, incorporating modern aesthetics.

SEO Preservation

Careful handling of SEO elements to ensure no loss of ranking data during the transition to the new site.

The Results​

The website rebuild led to significant improvements in performance and user engagement:

  • Near Perfect Diagnostic Performance: The new website passed all technical diagnostics, ensuring optimal function.
  • Decreased Bounce Rate: Users are staying on the site longer, indicating an improvement in user experience.
  • Faster Page Load Speeds: Faster load times reduce friction for users, increasing engagement.
  • Increased User Time on Page: With enhanced visuals and better performance, visitors are spending more time exploring the site.

As a result, Hunterline Roofing continues to dominate local search results, staying fully booked and busy. The client has reported ongoing success with no negative impacts on their SEO rankings.

Reach out to our team today!

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